A person’s most prized feature is their beautiful hair  and it is important to find the best hair specialist in chandigarh if you want to maintain it in top condition. Geniehelpme is a platform where you can find hair specialist doctors in chandigarh. We have compared various hair specialists and selected those who have the ability to give you the perfect treatment for your hair.

Our goal is to help you find the best hair loss treatment in chandigarh so you can get quality services and low costs. Since there are thousands of doctors in India, finding one that provides high-quality and affordable services can be difficult.

Best Listed Hair Specialist In Chandigarh

If you’re looking for a doctor who provides high-quality hair solutions all year round in Chandigarh, then our selected hair specialist are the best choice for you.

  • Our best hair doctor chandigarh are experts who work on giving new life to your hair with their professional guidance and advice through consultation sessions so that the best solution for your hair can be found for you.
  • Our recommended hair specialist in chandigarh are the best doctors because they will provide a high-quality hair solution to all of their clients who want to get their doctor’s approval for providing best hair solutions. Indeed, our listed one believe that anyone who wants to get high-quality hair solutions should choose our listed ones because they provide the best hair treatment in chandigarh.
  • Our best hair specialist doctors in chandigarh are well-known for hair loss treatment in chandigarh. They provide proper treatment for hair problems. They are the best doctors and have helped many people by providing medical treatment for hair problems. There are many benefits of having a doctor in Chandigarh that you can use to help your health and your wealth.

Who Is A Hair Specialist Or Trichologist

Trichology is a specialized technique for the treatment of hair and scalp problems. It involves using tiny needles to penetrate your hair follicles and remove blockages. This technique has been used for many years to treat certain types of dandruff, such as seborrheic dermatitis (tinea capitis).

While it may not be suitable for all types of problems, trichology can help you get rid of dandruff and other skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis.

A trichologist in Chandigarh an expert who concentrates on trichology studying diseases or issues related to scalp and hair and the treatment options for them. Trichology is derived from the Greek word Trichos meaning hair. While trichologists do not have the qualifications of doctors, they can offer advice to those who suffer from hair-related issues, like loss of hair or scalp issues.

About Trichologist In Chandigarh

The specialists in this field aid patients with problems such as hair loss, breakage of hair as well as oily scalp, and the scalp condition psoriasis. Certain trichologists also deal with issues related to disorders such as hair loss or trichotillomania hair-pulling disorders. Trichologists look at scalp and hair to determine and suggest treatments for your condition and the extent of it. Since they’re not doctors, they can’t prescribe medicines or perform surgical or medical procedures.

=> Temporary Loss Of Hair

hair specialist in chandigarh
hair specialist in chandigarh

Telogen Effluvium is commonly referred to as temporary loss of hair and differs from permanent hair loss known as Alopecia Areata. It can occur due to stress, shock, or because of an event that is traumatizing. In the case of a temporary hair loss that affects the scalp’s top is affected.

In most cases, a significant amount of hair sheds but the hair loss stops after a while, and then the hair is able to grow back. A person is said to be having chronic telogen effluvium if you notice regular hair loss for more than six months.


  • 1. The period between the precipitating event and the beginning of shed corresponds to the duration of the telogen phase typically 3 months, but it could be between 1-6 months]
  • 2. Acute Illness – febrile illness, severe infection, major surgery, severe trauma, etc.
  • 3. Chronic Illness– malignancy [especially lymphoproliferative diseases] systemic lupus-erythematosus end-stage liver disease, renal disease, HIV
  • 4. Hormonal changes in pregnancy and birth [can affect both mother and baby), hypothyroidism, as well as stopping hormonal pills
  • 5. Changes in diet, such as the crash diet, anorexia or anorexia. insufficient protein intake, and chronic iron deficiency
  • 6. Weight-Sudden weight loss
  • 7. Heavy metals like arsenic, selenium, and the element thallium
  • 8. Medications-ACE-inhibitors, anticoagulants, beta-blockers, contraceptives, retinoids, immunization
  • 9. Allergic contact dermatitis of the scalp


  1. Examine for etiologies: Review the medication list, the past history, trigger events such as thyroid, anemia, etc. and then treat the issue by taking oral medications.
  2. Topical minoxidil and stem cell and peptide formulations are also beneficial in hair regrowth process.
  3. Mesotherapy that includes meso cocktails are also used to stimulate growth of hair.
  4. Hair Growth Therapy has been used for treatment with positive results.
  5. Stem cell therapy can provide good results in between 4 and 6 sessions.

Benefits Of Our Listed Hair Specialist  In Chandigarh

When it comes to hair, there are a lot of people who are unsure about what they can and cannot do. It is important to have someone who can help you with your hair and make sure that it is healthy. Our recommended doctors for hair loss treatment in Chandigarh help you with everything from hair removal to hair growth. They will also be able to give you advice on how to best take care of your hair.

There are a number of important benefits to visiting our hair specialist doctors in chandigarh.

  • First and foremost, hair restoration surgery is an extremely specialized field and requires the expertise of a qualified professional.
  • Second, our best hair specialist in chandigarh have access to some of the latest technology and techniques in hair restoration, which means that your results will be more realistic and natural-looking than those achieved through other methods.
  • Damage control: Our hair specialist offers damage control services to help you keep your locks looking their best.
  • Customizable hair solutions: Our Hair specialists can help you get the right hair solutions for your particular needs and wants.
  • Our hair specialist in chandigarh are licensed and insured. This means that they are qualified to provide quality hair care services.

Finally, due to their experience and knowledge in this field, these best hair specialists in chandigarh are able to provide you with advice on how best to care for your new hairstyle – whether it’s maintenance-free or require only occasional touchups. So if you’re looking for a clinical solution that will give you the best possible outcome, look no further than our hair specialist doctors in chandigarh.

Conclusion- Hair Specialist In Chandigarh

We hope you liked the listed hair specialist doctors in chandigarh by Geniehelpme. If you are looking for a hair specialist in chandigarh, we recommend our listed doctors, We have researched extensively and found them all to be the best hair specialist in Chandigarh, they are highly experienced and performs all treatments with precision. If you are looking for hair loss treatment in chandigarh, we recommend consulting with one of the specialists on this list.

FAQ – Hair Specialist In Chandigarh

Which doctor is the best for hair problems?

Trichologists in chandigarh are hair and scalp specialists. They have a broad range of skills and can provide holistic solutions to all hair-related problems

What is the cost of a hair transplant?

The cost of a hair transplant depends on how much hair you want to move, but generally, it ranges between $4,000 and $15,000. Most insurance plans don’t cover it. Transplants, like any other type of surgery, come with risks such as bleeding and infection.

Is there any hair specialist in chandigarh that can help me restore my hairline?

Hair loss doctors in chandigarh are specialists in diagnosing and treating hair-related problems. Consult a hair loss doctor to discuss your concerns. The doctor will then recommend treatment options. These doctors create a detailed plan that includes ways to restore healthy hairlines.